Applying Styles

Applying Styles

You can refer to the Foundations section to understand how is the tokens definition. You can use them in your app as CSS Variables (opens in a new tab) which are defined in the theme, as mentioned in the Theme guide.

The way you will apply the styles in your application depends on the tooling you are using. In the following example we will show how to apply styles using CSS and html style property.

  1. Check the Design Tokens page to find the token you want to use. For example, the $space-1 token.
  2. Use the token in your application using the style property.
import '@vtex/shoreline-theme-sunrise/css'
function Example() {
  return (
    <div style={{ padding: 'var(--sl-space-2)' }}>Example</div>
  1. You can also use the token in your CSS files.
[data-example] {
  padding: var(--sl-space-2);