Best Practices

Best Practices



primaryOnly one at a time, for the most frequently triggered action in a container.
secondaryOccasionally triggered actions.
tertiaryActions that are rarely triggered actions or that exist multiple times in a Page.
critical or criticalTertiaryIrreversible actions. Prefer to keep actions reversible and not use this.


largeHeader or footer of Page and Modal.
normalMost scenarios.


  • Reuse existing labels.
  • Always include a verb in the infinitive followed by an object. For example, Create product.
  • Use a verb that reflects the exact action. For example, use Publish instead of Confirm.
  • Use sentence case but capitalize proper nouns.
  • Don’t use punctuation, more than three words, or personal pronouns.


  • Include an icon before the label whenever the action can be represented by an icon, especially when it's part of a group of actions.
  • If the button opens a page in a new tab, include an IconArrowUpRightSmall after the label.
  • Use an IconButton if the the label of an action should not be visible.


  • Position in a container: In most scenarios, list actions horizontally, right-aligned, and vertically centered. In a form, left-align actions that modify content and right-align those that submit.
  • Order of actions in a list: In a horizontal list, order from tertiary to primary. In a vertical list, from primary to tertiary.
  • Pairing a secondary action with other actions: Use a secondary action alone, next to one primary action, or next to one or more tertiary actions. Don't include more than one secondary action in a group.
  • Pairing a tertiary action with other content: Use the Bleed component to ignore the box of a tertiary or tertiaryCritical action and align it based on its icon and/or label.


Disabled state

  • Use a disabled action only if it becomes enabled in some condition. For example, a Save action that is only enabled when edits have been made.
  • When the reason why an action is disabled might be unclear, leave the action enabled and show a modal explaining it when triggered.
  • Don't display a Tooltip when hovering a disabled action.

Loading state

  • Use only for actions that usually take more than 1s and less than 5s to process.
  • Don't show loading or progress indicators for actions that take less than 1s to process.
  • If the action takes more than 5s to process, display progress feedback in an overlay.

Confirmation Modal

  • Display a ConfirmationModal when the action is irreversible. For example, a Delete action where it isn't possible to restore the item from the trash.
  • Display a ConfirmationModal when the action takes considerable time to undo. For example, a Publish action that takes time and can’t be canceled while in progress.